The association of Mage-OS Nederland

Since the beginning of 2023, Mage-OS Netherlands has been registered as an association and we are working on a new future of Magento in the Netherlands. By becoming a member you help us organize events, improve communication between merchants and agencies and much more.

Register as a new member

Do you also want to be part of this new Magento community? Register as a member. Membership costs 10 Euro per year. Once this contribution has been paid, you will become a permanent member.

Committees / working groups

While the board monitors processes, encourages and facilitates people, further work is delegated to working groups led by committees. Below is a list of the current committees/working groups:

Articles of association and internal regulations

The articles of association can be found on the page [Articles of association Mage-OS Netherlands](/Articles of association).

In terms of internal regulations, we are currently adopting the English Code of Conduct from Mage-OS internationally.


Het begin is er - Mage-OS Nederland #1 donderdag 29 juni 2023
Klaar voor Magento in 2024 #2 donderdag 14 december 2023
Help mee met Magento #3 zaterdag 13 januari 2024
Naar de ledenvergadering #4 vrijdag 16 februari 2024
Zomervergadering + Andere Evenementen #5 maandag 13 mei 2024


Document Datum Download
Notulen Algemene Ledenvergadering donderdag 29 februari 2024 notulen-algemene-ledenvergadering-2024-02-29.pdf

Continue the conversation on Discord chat

Log in to the Mage-OS Discord ( and then go to the #mage-os-nl channel.

Commissie Meet Magento Nederland 2023

Legal committee

Board members 2023

Original initiators (2022)

Domains in administration

The following domains are managed by Mage-OS Netherlands and can be used for community purposes: